Reversal is the wiping of some transaction from account balance, it can be not only the amount of the original transaction but also interests. Reversals are mostly caused by technical problems during the original transaction creation. Only debits can be reversed

Reversal entity:

transaction_idUnique identifier for the reversalPK int(11) NOT NULL
transaction_referenceClient’s identifier for the original transactionchar(255)
original_transaction_amountAmount of the original transactiondecimal(15,2) NOT NULL
aggregated_amount_reversedSum of all the successful reversals against the original transactiondecimal(15,2) NOT NULL
calculated_interest_forgivenThe amount of unposted interest wiped off the accountdecimal(15,2), default 0.00
product_apr_idIdentifies the APR record. This is copied from the original transactionint(11) NOT NULL
posted_interest_reversedThe amount of posted interest that was reversed (often zero)decimal(15,2), default 0.00
statement_idIdentifies the statement that included the original transactionint(11) NOT NULL
product_idIdentifies the original productint(11) NOT NULL
account_idIdentifies the account of the original transactionint(11) NOT NULL